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Issaquah Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

The CERT program educates community members like you how to prepare and respond when a major event happens by training people in basic disaster preparedness and response skills to take care of themselves, their family, their neighborhood, and the community.

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   Permanent Emergency Worker (CERT)

As a follow-up to the CERT training, if you are interested in becoming a permanent emergency worker, please, follow the Emergency Worker Application Process or contact Jared Schneider, Issaquah Emergency Manager, for more information.  The forms referenced in the process can be downloaded from here:

FEMA Distance Learning

FEMA's Emergency Management Institute (EMI) offers self-paced courses designed for people who have emergency management responsibilities and the general public. All are offered free-of-charge to those who qualify for enrollment.

Volunteer Deployment Guidelines

In times of need, the City of Issaquah might call on the generosity of citizen volunteers including CERT.  Click here for a simple, one-page guideline of how volunteer deployment works, and what you can do to stay informed and participate if available.  If you are interested in volunteering during emergency and disaster situations, please print the guideline page and keep a few copies handy.  Note: These guidelines may change with the new emergency manager, so stay tuned for any changes.

To see a 20 minute FEMA video of a typical CERT deployment, click this link, CERT in Action.

For a more extensive document on Issaquah's emergency management plan, review the City of Issaquah 2022 Comprehensive  Emergency Managment Plan.


Post Office Box 2365
Issaquah, Washington 98029

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