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Issaquah Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

The CERT program educates community members like you how to prepare and respond when a major event happens by training people in basic disaster preparedness and response skills to take care of themselves, their family, their neighborhood, and the community.

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CERT Interest Form

Please enter your information and click on the items you are interested in.  CERT classes are held in the Spring and Fall of each year.  We will contact you when we have an event that interests you.

Subscription form

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*First name
*Last name
Choose the items you are interested in.
*Privacy Policy
Please read our Privacy policy and check the box if you agree.

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Enter cell phone to receive SMS text messages during emergencies or disasters.
SMS Consent
Please read the SMS Consent policy and check the box if you agree.
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Post Office Box 2365
Issaquah, Washington 98029

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Report website issues to webmaster@issaquahcert.orgg

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