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Issaquah Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

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  • Disaster Preparedness

The CERT program educates community members like you how to prepare and respond when a major event happens by training people in basic disaster preparedness and response skills to take care of themselves, their family, their neighborhood, and the community.

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Disaster Preparedness

The purpose of disaster preparedness is to provide individuals with the basic skills that they will need to take care of themselves and their families in the aftermath of a disaster, when emergency services are not immediately available.  By being prepared, you can allow emergency services to focus on people who are in more critical need of help.

1.  Learn about your local Hazards and sign up for Emergency Alerts
Check Hazard Ready to find the risks of hazards at your location.  Click through the tabs at the top for the different kinds of hazards.  This will show you what you need to prepare for.  Once you know your hazards, sign up for alerts by:
    • Signing up for Code Red so you are alerted to imminent hazardous events
    • Add the Code Red and FEMA apps to your phone

2.  Have a Plan

Create a plan based on the hazards you found in you area above.  Create a Family Emergency Plan.  The plan should include:

    • A phone/text number and email for someone outside of the Pacific Northwest
    • A place to meet if you are separated
    • Public safety phone numbers for your area (i.e. police, fire, and hospital
For more information see the Detailed Emergency PlanOlder Adult Emergency Plan, or Pet Emergency Plan documents.
3.  Build your Kits
  • Water (1 gallon per person per day (for drinking, washing, cooking)
  • Food (non-perishable, ready to eat, that you like)
    • Monitor expiration dates and replace as needed
    • Include food for your pets
  • First aid supplies (bandages, antiseptic wipes, gauze pads, scissors, tweezers, and pain medication, prescriptions)
  • Electronics (Battery powered lights, radio, and power banks for them and your phone)

Ideally your kit should last for at least 2 weeks. For more information check out Make It Through

Finally, improve your ability to survive a disaster by viewing the Disaster Skills Training video below, attending a CERT class, and reviewing the information at


Post Office Box 2365
Issaquah, Washington 98029

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