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Issaquah Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

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  • Bellevue Winter Midnight "Nasty" Drill 2025

The CERT program educates community members like you how to prepare and respond when a major event happens by training people in basic disaster preparedness and response skills to take care of themselves, their family, their neighborhood, and the community.

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Bellevue Winter Midnight "Nasty" Drill 2025

  • 02/21/2025
  • 9:00 PM
  • 02/22/2025
  • 2:00 AM
  • Greater Issaquah Area

Disasters don’t always occur on warm summer afternoons. This will be late at night, dark, and at least cool. Maybe raining or even snowy, or windy. You can practice your CERT skills in disaster-like conditions. But safety first!

This is the third annual Winter Midnight "Nasty" Drill sponsored by Bellevue CERT with the objective to expose CERTs to the realities of emergency deployments. As with most drills, information is sparse, but the location will be in the greater Issaquah area and start time will be announced by Code Red on Friday evening after dark. The actual drill will begin before midnight on Friday evening, February 21.  It will last approximately two hours and finish after midnight on Saturday, February 22. In previous years, this exercise has been a big hit for the Eastside participants and is now considered to be one of best ways to see just how prepared you really are.

This exercise requires advance registration, so please register here.  For Issaquah CERTs, notification will be by Code Red, so if not on Code Red, let Bob Otis know.  Bring your PPE and dress for the occasion. Weather forecasts are not reliable this far in advance, but whatever we encounter, safety first. You may want to carpool with a buddy.

Questions can be sent to Paul Thomsen or Bob Otis.


Post Office Box 2365
Issaquah, Washington 98029

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